By: Micheal B. O. A. HOW TO SETUP & GROW RICH IN TISSUE PRODUCTION BUSINESS INTRODUCTION The history of tissue dates back to the 6th century Ad in the country of China, and in the 14th century it became mass produced. As the years rolled by, the use of tissue papers increased and then what did we have? We had an evolvement of the commodity. Many other manufacturers keyed in on this and it became a household essential item. The use of tissue papers/serviette just cannot be overemphasized. There are loads of things this very essential commodity is being used for. The use of tissue papers cuts across a whole lot of factors. It is used for cleaning and sanitary reasons in homes, restaurants, social gathering, offices, hotels, restaurants, shops, maternity homes, hospitals, educational institutions, churches, and clubs, amongst many others. There are various ways to make legit money in different parts of the world and one of the ways to make good money is by starting a tissue paper manufacturing business. However, your question might be how do I go about this and just what are the factors involved in pulling this off? Here are tested and trusted instructions and ways that you can adhere to make your dream to own a tissue paper manufacturing coy come to pass. When you decided to setup a toilet paper production business, you have to consider different things on how to be successful and an effective manager. Learning marketing techniques will benefit you and your business. Tissue papers production business doesn’t need a genius manager to run. You should have the right skills, personality, and attitude so that your business can belong to one of the most successful manufacturing business across the globe. 3.