Tips On Finding The Right Addiction Rehab Center Addiction Treatment Programs You Should Know | Page 3
It lessens the probability for a
elapse. Whe the addict’s pe so al
relationships are repaired as part of
the rehabilitation process, the
pe so ’s suppo t syste is
strengthened. Lines of
communication are opened, which
makes it much simpler for the person
to reach out to someone later on.
Helps to find the root cause of their
addiction. Many times, it is
disco e ed that a pe so ’s addictio
is the result of some relationship in a
pe so ’s life that is ot uite ight.
Allowing the family to participate in
the addict’s the apy e su es a lesse
chance of relapse. They are able to
deal with some of the patterns,
behaviours, and dynamics that led to
the addiction in the first place.