Tips How to Avoid Online Lottery Scams - Xorian Infotech Scam Alert Service | Page 7
Never believe in stories
There are many people who ask you to send money to their
account in the name of giving you free products or lottery
tickets or any such things. Never believe in such stories, almost
always they are scams. The best way of finding out whether a
story is true is that the story is easily believable.
You can’t win lotteries over internet, and you can’t inherit
property from some one you don’t know in a distant country.
Even if you faithfully believe in a story, if you are required to
send an upfront personal information or money to the senders to
receive greater benefits, then its sure a scam in the making, Step
a side, back-out and report.
T i p s H o w To A vo i d O n l i n e L o t t e r y S c a m s