Tiny town of children revista | Page 7

Curriculum English as a Second Language classes should emphasize a curriculum that pays attention to the students, as well as to practice the necessary communication skills in the language. The curriculum can have listening, reading and spoken English lessons, as in the "Side by Side" series by Longman Publishers. In addition to the lessons on vocabulary and grammar, it is also necessary. The preparation of English as a Second Language (TOEFL) exams should also be included in the curriculum to help students prepare for their English language certificates. Interaction It is important that students interact with the language through several walks. Show movies and TV shows in English immerse them in the language in a fun way. Teachers can also help students interact with the language by inviting the native English speakers in the class to converse with the students. Multimedia tools such as videos and sound tracks for listening comprehension. After each class, ask the students to analyze what we have learned by explaining the materials in English. https://www.ehowenespanol.com/estrategias-ensenar-ingles-segundo-idioma-manera_43115/