Tiny town of children revista | Page 4

Games For A Bilingual Little Boy Keep in mind that almost half of the world's children grow up in environments that are exposed to more than one language, not only raising a bilingual small child. However, the fact is not easy. While the child becomes bilingual, there is not a single "bilingual switch" to turn on; Instead, many complicated processes interact. Regardless of the parents' attempts to teach a bilingual child to learn a second language quickly, there are limitations on what the child can do in each language. When young children are learning two languages at the same time, they experience a learning delay. For example, monolingual children learn to learn 10 to 30 new words per month. A bilingual child can learn the same number of words per month, but the words are divided into two languages, which means that he will have a weaker vocabulary in his primer and second language When compared to monolingual children https://www.ehowenespanol.com/los-desafios-de-criar-a-un-nino-pequeno-bilingue_12686966/ This means that your bilingual child will be on the back of the other children of their age in the early years of language development. Although this delay disappears around 10 years