Timeless May 2020 | Page 35

It’s important to never stretch cold muscles. Additionally, older individuals should avoid ballistic stretching in favor of slow, steady, and gentle move- ments. While it is normal to feel mild discomfort during a stretch, there should not be severe pain. Individuals with osteoporosis should avoid doing any stretching that involves unsupported forward flexion of the spine. In conclusion, older people can slow down the rate of bone loss through a combination of weight-bearing aerobic activi- ties and regular strength train- ing. In order to prevent injuries, it is important that older indi- viduals choose age-appropriate exercises that are suitable for their fitness level. • Kim Monsour is a pro- fessional health and wellness consultant, health coach and per- sonal trainer. She can be reached at [email protected] or Optimal [email protected] www.meridianstar.com Opposite page: Mitzi Reece focuses as she does arm curls. Weight-bearing exercise can help build bones and keep them strong, which is beneficial for those with osteo- porosis. Above: Linda Grant does leg lifts. Exercise that improves balance and flexibility will help prevent falls, which may lead to fractures, especially for those with osteoporosis. •35