Sanders’ husband and best friend
also came along. But Sanders said
she especially enjoyed seeing Paris
through the eyes of her granddaugh-
“There was just something so fun –
like magic, almost – about seeing her
face when she saw the Eiffel Tower for
the first time,” she said. “I wouldn’t
trade memories like that for any-
Sanders said she thinks grandpar-
ents can often be exceptional traveling
partners for grandchildren because
they are more willing to take things at
the child’s pace.
“Sometimes, I think parents feel
this pressure to make a trip perfect or
to make sure everyone sees and does
everything and gets their money’s
worth,” she said. “We are more con-
tent to let the kids have fun but then
also to be ok with getting in the bed
earlier. I think that’s the way to be –
don’t stay so on the go that the kids
become tired and overwhelmed.”
At Disneyworld, for example,
Sanders said that they got to the
theme park for early extended hours,
but they also left early enough to have
the kids in bed by about 7 p.m. each
“We were OK not seeing and doing
everything at night,” she said, laugh-
ing. “And I think we had fun that
Sanders said it’s important to know
that your grandchildren will take
direction from you and respect you
before making a trip. She said she has
never had difficulty from her grand-
children when traveling.
“They know what to expect and we
have a good relationship,” she said.
Sanders said she especially trea-
sures memories of evenings where
she has asked her grandchildren what
their favorite events of the day were.
“I’m often surprised by what they
say,” she said. “But there is just some-
thing about that time that we have
together that is special. Children –
and grandchildren – they want you
to look at them and really listen and
hear them. That goes a long way. And
when we do that, we have some won-
derful memories together.”
Sanders hopes to continue her trav-
els with grandchildren in the coming
years – including hoping to take her
grandchildren to Paris for her 70th
birthday in a few years, too.
“I think that’s exactly what I’d like
to do,” she said.