Timeless March 2020 | Page 44

THE AMERICAN RED CROSS ASKS … Are you PREPARED for when emergencies and natural disasters strike? Staff report E 44• mergencies and natural disasters can strike quickly and without warning, forcing individu- als to evacuate their homes or to be confined to them. What would you do if your basic services — water, gas, electricity or communications — were cut off? Anyone can be affected by emergencies and disas- ter, however studies show it is disproportionately so for older adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), seniors are affected more and tend to be more vulnerable due to several factors: impaired physical mobility, diminished senso- ry awareness, chronic health conditions or social and economic limitations that interfere with their ability to not only prepare for disaster, but also to respond and adapt during such events. However, with strate- gic planning, seniors not only can be protected when disaster strikes, but also better able to cope with the aftermath. As part of its “Be Red Cross Ready for Disaster” campaign, the American Red Cross developed “Disaster Preparedness For Seniors By Seniors,” a guide to encourage older adults to take respon- sibility to protect their lives by preparing now for sudden emergencies. Cheryl A. Kocurek, Regional Preparedness manager for the American Red Cross, Mississippi Region, provided the following information from the publication. For the complete publication, visit redcross.org According to the guide, there are three steps to pre- paredness: • Get a Kit • Make a Plan • Be Informed 1. Get a Kit Disasters can happen at any moment. By planning ahead you can avoid waiting in long lines for critical supplies, such as food, water and medicine and you