Interview Questions for Model of The Month
1. What do you think a model is?
- Fashion mixed with personality. Personality amplifies the outfit like when asking us to change up our expressions.
2. What characteristics do you believe a model should possess?
-The ability to use different poses and accessories.
3. What drives you to model?
-I always wanted to give it a try I just needed to work up the courage. I like that being with Timeless has challenged me in style and expression. I also like learning what areas I can improve in.
4. What do you think is your "style"?
-Depends on my mood. Typically I am in casual shorts and a shirt. On happy days I wear bright colors. Bad days I wear sweats. My favorite though has to be semi-casual.
5. If you had a theme song what would it be?
-Follow Your Arrow by Kasey Musgraves.
It is a song about being yourself and following your own path even if it leads different. I've never really been a follower so I relate more to this song than most.