Timeless July-September 2022 | Page 39


Fast facts about the


Metro Creative Connection

The sun makes life on Earth possible . While the warmth and light provided are beneficial for many reasons , the dark side of the sun is the potential damage that can be caused by ultraviolet radiation . These facts about sunlight and UV rays , courtesy of the U . S . Environmental Protection Agency , the FactFile and NASA , can help people make more informed choices about spending time in the sun .

• There are three types of UV rays . UVA reaches Earth ’ s surface because the atmosphere does little to shield these rays . UVA rays contribute to ailments like wrinkling and can penetrate through windows and clouds . UVB rays largely are thwarted by the atmosphere . However , latitude , altitude and time of year may increase the likelihood of UVB ray exposure , which is often the culprit behind skin cancer . UVC rays are completely absorbed by the Earth ’ s atmosphere and don ’ t pose a significant threat , even though they have the highest energy levels of all three types of UV rays .
• The sun ’ s UV rays are strongest between 10 a . m . and 4 p . m ., when the sun is at its highest in the sky . The ultraviolet radiation will be less severe early in the morning and later in the day .
• Snow , water and sand reflect the damaging rays from the sun and can increase a person ’ s risk for sunburn .
• The higher up in altitude a person goes , the stronger the sun ’ s rays become . Therefore , sun exposure in the mountains can be more dangerous than exposure at sea level .
• Areas closest to the equator will get the longest hours of sunlight . The sun ’ s rays are much stronger near the equator .
• Australia ranks near the top of the skin cancer risk list along with New Zealand . These countries are located close to the ozone layer hole over the Antarctic . In addition , during summer , the Earth ’ s orbit places Australia closer to the sun compared to other countries . That results in an additional solar UV intensity , according to Specialist Clinics of Australia .
• UVA rays penetrate more deeply into the skin and can cause it to prematurely age .
• UVB rays damage the outermost layers of the skin and contribute to the most skin cancers . Overexposure to UVB rays causes delayed sunburns .
• While the sun is more intense during spring and summer , sun glare may be a bigger problem in the fall and winter . The sun during the colder months takes a lower angled route when rising , rather than seemingly going straight up , which it does in the summer . That keeps the sun in a blinding position for a longer period of time in the fall and winter .
• The sun ’ s energy is produced by the fusion of hydrogen into helium . Nuclear reactions occur in the core of the sun due to temperature and pressure . The sun also emits infrared radiation , visible light and ultraviolet light . www . meridianstar . com
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