Timeless February/March 2021 | Page 15

“ Our home is full of memories of our time in Germany . We enjoy that – the things we collected while we were there . But we don ’ t really find it necessary to get more souvenirs . Now , if we get a souvenir , it ’ s going to be for a friend that really would enjoy something .”
Ray Komar
When the Komars travel , they have to maintain some flexibility . They typically travel standby , since their son is an airlines employee and can get them airfare perks .
“ It ’ s all based on seat availability ,” he explained . “ We have been pretty fortunate , but sometimes flights have been canceled or we get diverted to a different airport . We ’ ve had the chance to see a lot of different airports that way .”
Since the global pandemic , travel plans have been put on hold for the couple . They are eager to get to Germany to see their children and grandchildren there , but Americans have been barred from the country because COVID numbers in the U . S . are so high .
They also would like to visit areas around Germany again soon , particularly France and Spain .
“ It has been hard but we have been patient ,” he said . “ We think it ’ s important to use caution .”
Ray Komar said he thinks most people can learn to enjoy international travel . He recommends that new international travelers approach their trips with a sense of flexibility and adventure .
“ You have to love different types of experiences or it won ’ t be something you enjoy ,” he said . “ You can ’ t go to another country and then be upset because it isn ’ t like it is here .”
He said he understands why some people allow the fear of the unknown to keep them from traveling . Most people , though , are happy to help travelers , he said . He also said English speakers shouldn ’ t spend too much time worrying about language barriers .
“ There are always people around who speak English ,” he said . “ It makes traveling convenient .” He said the most important thing to learn when in a new place is how to get around . Once you learn the bus or subway or train systems , for example , it is easier to explore .
“ After you have the basics down , you just trust your sense of direction and ask questions as needed ,” he said .
When he goes to a new international city , Ray Komar said he makes a point of seeking out the nearest tourist information centers . He picks up brochures , gets information and then makes a clearer plan for how he wants to spend his time .
He said that he and his wife usually prefer to avoid guided tours .
“ You tend to do a lot of standing around and listening , and that just isn ’ t something I enjoy ,” he said . “ I would rather choose my own things to do and see . That way , I can choose to do it as slowly or as quickly
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