Timeless December 2021 - January 2022 | Page 25



By Kimberly Gowdy Contributing Columnist

Older adults generally have fewer psychological problems than the rest of the population . Resilience has been attributed to their unyielding ability to deal with their emotions , especially during the uncertainties we have all been encountering for the last two years . Older adults have a better acceptance of life ’ s challenges , new adventures , new freedoms , and new outlooks on seeing the big picture .

It is all a part of positive aging which is basically adopting a positive view of aging as a healthy , normal part of life . This mindset allows older adults to continue doing the things they love amidst life ’ s challenges . As we countdown to our 2021 holiday season , older adults will go into this season with a continued sense of peace within their physical health , mental health , and most importantly their emotional health .
Physical , cognitive , and emotional health are all connected , and supporting one supports the others . This can be accomplished and attributed to developing healthier eating habits , getting adequate sleep , managing their weight and just being more active . With aging comes the decline in physical strength and mobility . These limitations can present challenges ; however , there are so many ways to modify our ability to stay active while improving our overall health .
Aerobic exercise is great for brain function but doing it in water can reduce the impact on muscles and joints . To improve your upper body strength with limited mobility , you can incorporate a chair exercise routine to increase heart rate and strength for the upper body . Taking a short walk outside and enjoying the change of seasons is another great way to improve mobility and improve circulation throughout your body . Stay physically active by doing at least 30 minutes of movement or exercise every day can help tremendously in older adult ’ s mental health . Eating healthy and an increase in physical activity also improves an older adult ’ s cognitive ability . Exercise your brain by engaging in mentally challenging activities , and never stop learning new things . Older adults can engage in small daily activities that will stimulate and enhance their cognitive ability .
Small daily actions to keep the mind engaged and active are vital for prolonging brain function and memory as well . Technology is taking over and so many older adults are hesitant in learning a new skill ; however , this is a great way to stimulate brain development . Since COVID-19 , more and more older adults are engaging with their family members through social media outlets and smartphone apps . Technology allows for messaging and face-to-face phone calls through smartphones plus apps for mindfulness , medication reminders , and safety fall alarms . Since COVID-19 , my dad plays games on his tablet daily to keep his mind busy . He has gotten so good at using his tablet that now my dad unfortunately is a huge online shopper . In addition to technology , reading and solving crossword puzzles are great activities that will keep the mind sharp .
In addition to improved healthier eating and an increase in physical activity , both play a role on the moods in older adults . What we put in our bodies and how we treat our bodies effect older adult ’ s mental well-being as well . Eating a well-rounded , healthy diet helps people feel better overall . There are also some foods that can improve mood . For example , omega- 3 fatty acids from fish as well as zinc and B vitamins from fruits like bananas can help improve depressive moods . And reducing foods like starchy carbs can assist as well .
As older adults navigate through life with years of wisdom and experience , they effortlessly maintain their sense of peace of mind and spirit by minimizing stress and enjoying the day as it comes . They are resilient and throughout life difficulties persevere with taking care of the whole-body physical , cognitive , and their emotional being to enhance their quality of life . Living a purposeful life during the later years is such a rewarding experience . Spending time with grandchildren , volunteering , and engaging in community activities offers so many opportunities to experience life more positively and especially with peace .
• Kimberly Gowdy is a FCS Agent III for the Mississippi State University-Extension Service , Lauderdale County . www . meridianstar . com
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