Timeless December 2021 - January 2022 | Page 20



By Dr . Hunter Harrison , D . O . Guest Columnist

Introducing daily healthy habits helps cut down the risk of developing chronic health conditions like high blood pressure , diabetes , and arthritis . They can also help persons with these conditions reduce the long-term detrimental effects . The goal of introducing these healthy habits is to make sustainable , long-lasting lifestyle changes .

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) survey revealed that nearly a third of US adults usually get less than the recommended 7 hours of sleep . Poor sleep hygiene can result in not just feeling tired the next day , but it can also have a major impact on your health . Inadequate sleep is associated with worsened symptoms of arthritis , increased risk of strokes and heart attacks , in addition to worsening mental health . Proper sleep hygiene includes having a consistent time to go to bed and wake up in the morning . Also
Harrison avoid large meals , caffeine , and excess alcohol before bed . When it ’ s time to turn out the lights , make sure you get rid of ALL light including avoiding cellphones and TV in bed .
The word “ diet ” is often a four-letter word for many people . I prefer a slow and steady approach when I talk with patients about modifying their diet . Avoid “ crash diets ” and other fad diets . Start with changes a few nights per week and increase the frequency as you find new flavors , recipes , and ingredients you enjoy . Reading the nutrition information on packaging is a great start to learn what nutrients you ’ re putting into your body . Cut back on pre-packaged or fast food options that are often high in added sugars , saturated fats , and sodium . Start adding fresh , nutrient dense foods a few nights per week .
The DASH diet , which focuses on limiting sodium and increasing fresh fruits and vegetables , has been shown to be help make major improvements in persons with high blood pressure .
Exercise Increasing exercise could help prevent 1 in 10 premature deaths based on data from the CDC . The recommended amount of exercise for adults is 150 minutes weekly . While this may sound like a lot of time , that breaks down to 30 minutes a day , 5 days a week . This number is also cumulative . Taking the stairs at work , parking a little farther from the store , plus a 15-20 minute brisk walk in the evening can all add up to your recommended 30 minutes daily . The addition of weight bearing / muscle strengthening exercises at least 2 days a week can help reduce your risk of osteoporosis and help other chronic conditions like arthritis .
Oral Health Oral health can often be overlooked in terms of overall health benefits . Studies have shown that poor oral health can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease . Other underlying health issues such as diabetes and osteoporosis can further worsen dental issues . Brushing your teeth twice daily using a soft-bristled brush and fluoride-based toothpaste in addition to flossing daily can help keep your teeth and gums healthy . Limit the amount of sugary foods and drinks consumed . Also schedule regular dental check ups and cleanings to catch issues early .
Wellness Visits Getting into the habit of yearly wellness visits with your doctor can also make a big impact on your health . Attending yearly wellness visits give you an opportunity to catch issues before they arise . This can include cancer screenings , monitoring for high cholesterol and blood sugar , routine immunizations , and screening for depression .
These are just a few healthy habits that can be introduced into your daily routine . There are many resources through the CDC , World Health Organization , and American Heart Association that are backed by solid research . Also speak with your doctor to help tailor a healthy lifestyle program to your needs .
• Dr . Hunter Harrison , D . O . is a Family Medicine Physician at Family Medical Clinic on Hwy 19 in Meridian