Timeless December 2021 - January 2022 | Page 11

recalled . “ But over time I realized it wasn ’ t a matter of being bad or good at it – mindfulness really was just about learning to be without passing judgement or evaluating everything . I can be very hard on myself and usually , that is not at all helpful . Mindfulness has helped me to let go of some of that .”
Many resources available
Dudley said that she is amazed at how many resources are now available to help newbies learn how to practice mindfulness . There are a variety of free and low-cost phone and tablet apps , as well as web sites , that can be used to help begin to practice mindfulness .
A number of the apps allow new practitioners of mindfulness to start out slowly , being mindful for just a minute or two at a time . Over time , practitioners might decide to extend the amount of time they spend being mindful – but some also might decide that just a minute of mindfulness here and there is enough .
Pain isn ’ t permanent
prescribed for arthritis and related discomfort . “ I found they really didn ’ t help very much and they made me less aware ,” she said . “ But I find that the awareness and being mindful of my breathing and muscle tension can really help tremendously in a way that even medication can ’ t . It ’ s pretty amazing , really .”
The 76-year-old retired music teacher , who taught at Crestwood Elementary in Meridian , said she struggles at times to explain exactly what mindfulness is – especially to people who are not familiar with the concept .
One possible definition is that it is a mental state achieved by focusing one ’ s own awareness on the present moment , while calmly acknowledging and accepting one ’ s feelings , thoughts and bodily sensations . Dudley said that for her , it is important to acknowledge her feelings and not to try to judge or fix them .
“ A lot of us might notice that as we move through life , our minds are thinking very fast ,” she said . “ Often , we are overwhelmed and even out of breath because we are so busy doing . Mindfulness is an opportunity to just be .”
Once settling yourself , Williams said it can be valuable to focus on breathing , taking some deep breaths and paying attention to what is happening in the mind . Closing your eyes and sitting in a quiet place also can be helpful .
Feelings without judgement
“ We can be aware of what we are thinking and feeling but it ’ s important to do it in a way that is non-judgmental ,” she said . “ You don ’ t attach a thought to it because that ’ s the nature of the mind . We think and then we get overwhelmed and confused . It ’ s just a soft , gentle coming back to the breath . We don ’ t have to be so focused on our thoughts all of the time .”
Dudley said that one of the toughest parts of practicing mindfulness is often not trying to evaluate your performance . When she first started , she found that she was tough on herself , becoming frustrated when she did not relax and enter a mindfulness state quickly or easily . “ At first I thought I was getting it wrong – that I was bad at it ,” she
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Dudley said that mindfulness has helped her to deal with her chronic pain – in part by helping her to be aware that pain comes and goes , and that no matter what she is feeling , the feeling likely is only temporary .
“ There used to be a lot of fear for me ,” Dudley said . “ I was very afraid of pain and I think that at times , that could make the experience of being in pain even worse .”
She said that now , she recognizes that pain is temporary , even when chronic .
“ Pain is a feeling ,” she said . “ I try not to fear it or even to judge it . I just try to be with it and also to remember that it is not the only thing I will ever feel . It ’ s a lot like emotional thoughts – they can come and go . I also remind myself that by breathing instead of holding my breath , I can sometimes reduce the pain some .”
Dudley said she has practiced some simple mindfulness activities with her grandchildren , who range in age from 11 to 16 .
She has a jar of water and food coloring . When the jar is first shaken , the color seen in the jar is clearly orange , but when the food coloring settles , both yellow and red can be seen near the bottom .
“ It is good for when you are angry or just having a hard time ,” she said . “ You can watch it and realize that maybe you aren ’ t so angry anymore . It ’ s a way to notice what is in front of you , to be aware and hopefully to breathe .”
Mindfulness in nature
Dudley said she also practices mindfulness in nature . Sometimes , she watches birds from a window in her bedroom , and simply notices the birds coming and going .
“ I am happy to see them come but I also am OK to see them go ,” she said . “ I enjoy them without getting too attached .”
She also practices mindfulness when walking . This has helped her to release her fear of falling , she said .
“ I don ’ t try to hurry ,” she said . “ I am just aware of each step . In that step , I remind myself that I am OK .”
She said that she wants to be clear that her pain has not been magically healed by mindfulness . But she says she is still dramatically better off .
“ I have had some improvements in my pain with treatments ,” she said . “ But my relationship to the pain has changed as well . I am not fearful the way I was before . I recognize that the experience of pain comes and goes . I breathe and I relax my muscles . I make myself aware that I really am OK . Releasing some of that tension really helps .” T
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