Timeless August/September 2021 | Seite 33

these are alcohol , especially red wine ; aged cheeses , soy , smoked fish and foods that contain tyramine ; processed lunch meats , salami , pepperoni , hot dogs and foods containing nitrates ; chocolate ; tea , coffee , colas and other caffeinated drinks ; as well as Chinese food , soy sauce , salad dressings and other foods that contain monosodium glutamate ( MSG ).
“ We always tell them to look out for any kind of triggers and to avoid those triggers ,” said Dr . Daud . “ If they can avoid those triggers , they pretty much can control their headaches and may not even need to be on any type of medication .”
While there is no cure for migraines , there are home remedies you can try if you feel a headache developing . Try resting with your eyes closed in a dark , quiet room . Put a cool
compress or ice pack on your forehead or temple area , and drink plenty of liquids , Dr . Daud said .
Pain-relieving medications that
help stop symptoms during an attack are also available and preventative medications , often taken daily , can help reduce the frequency of migraines .
“ If someone has a migraine once a month and it is a mild headache and they can take Tylenol or Motrin and it goes away , I don ’ t think we need to do anything ,” Dr . Daud said . “ But if they are having two or three headaches a week , which are severe and hard for them to control and are prolonged headaches that prevent them from working or doing day-to-day activities , then we can put them on preventative medication .”
One treatment that adults have turned to in treating chronic migraines is Botox injections .
“ Normally we do not put a patient on Botox . We try and treat them on different medications . If they fail on those medications , then we say ‘ okay , we can give Botox a try , which is given every three months ,’” Dr . Daud said .
She said a new group of medications , called CGRP monoclonal antibodies , which are given monthly by injection , are showing really good signs of controlling migraines .
Dr . Daud said migraine sufferers can make the following lifestyle changes to help reduce the frequency of their headaches : Make sure to get plenty of sleep . Reduce caffeine consumption , especially at night . Do not skip meals . Avoid smoking and cut back on alcohol . Manage stress by using meditation or yoga techniques . Exercise regularly , including walking three or four times a week for at least 20 minutes .
Generally , migraines are not fatal . However , if a patient feels their migraine has changed in its type , has become more intense or more frequent or if their normal treatments do not seem to be working , then they may want to consult their primary care physician or neurologist just to rule out a more serious health problem , Dr . Daud said . Although it is rare , migraines can lead to more serious complications , such as stroke , especially if the headache leads to increases in blood pressure or is accompanied by an aura that lasts for several hours . T
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