Timeless April-June 2022 | Page 32


Enjoy the sun and outdoors , but do it safely

By Ida Brown • Timeless Magazine Editor

Sun and warm weather is a welcome sight for many people . But too much of a good thing can be dangerous — even life threatening .

Most medical professional agree getting sunlight on a regular basis is important to your heath . However high temperatures , stifling humidity and prolonged sun exposure all pose health risks , especially if you are older or have underlying health problems .
“ Being outside is a good idea . Your body needs the Vitamin D that it makes from sunlight ,” Dr . Michelle Pike-Hough , an Emergency Medicine physician at Rush
Foundation Hospital , said . “ And of course fresh air is always good for mental health , plus the sunlight helps with depression .”
But as temperatures increase , being hot for too long can be a problem . According to Pike-Hough , heat exposure can lead to a spectrum of heat emergencies . These include :
• Heat edema is noticeable swelling in the ankles , feet and hands . Considered a mild condition , heat edema usually occurs when there is a sudden change in temperature .
“ When you ’ ve gone from a pleasant 75 degrees to 90 all of sudden ,” Pike-Hough said . “ It shouldn ’ t be where your