Time to Roam Magazine Issue 5 - October/November 2013 | Page 7
upfront news
Abbott to be tackled on
cheap trailer imports
The new Federal Government will face immediate pressure to
crack down on cheap Chinese camper trailers being passed off
as Australian made.
The firm responsible for protecting the official Australian Made
labelling system says it believes importers are skirting around
existing rules and confusing camper trailer buyers.
Australian Made CEO Ian Harrison says he will be seeking urgent
talks with the Abbott Government’s industry and Small Business
Ministers to try to change current rules.
According to Mr Harrison, camper
trailer importers can legally apply the
Australian made logo to imported
trailers today, because under
current rules they can argue more
than 50 percent of the cost of
their units have been incurred
in Australia, or the imported
units have been “substantially
transformed” here.
“Given the high costs
of labour, transport and
marketing here, it is easy to get inside that 50 percent threshold,” Mr
Harrison said.
“After being lobbied by the Camper Trailer Guild we went
and checked out the companies causing concern and it is our
understanding they meet the requirements as they stand and their
trailers can be legally described as Australian made.
“But if you ask people buying camper trailers if they really
understand what the Australian Made logo means and what they are
buying and the answer is they do not.”
Mr Harrison said he’d seen examples of trailers with “shocking
quality lightweight canvas” being passed off as Australian made.
“What we’re most upset about is the Australian Made country of
origin logo is a premium brand and should be accorded the right
level of importance,” he said.
Camper trailer imports is one of six key areas of concern the
Australian Made organisation wants the new Government to address,
although Mr Harrison says any tightening of the current rules to
better inform buyers was ultimately a matter for the Australian
Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC), which to date had
dragged its heels.
“We need to get the ACCC on board. Ultimately the ACCC
determines the guidelines and it has been the ACCC’s view that it is
not resourced enough to develop new guidelines.”
Mr Harrison said he was keen to win back several
Australian camper trailer manufacturers which had stopped
using the Australian Made logo in protest, preferring
to use the Australian Camper Guild logo instead.
Licence to tow
Australia’s Caravan Council is pushing for the introduction of a
licensing system to help reduce towing-related accidents. CCA general
manager Colin Young says action is needed to weed out inexperienced
drivers and he believes a voluntary licensing system should be the
first step. Mr Young says he is discussing the proposal with insurers
who he hoped would back it in order to reduce claims and premiums.
“Hopefully they will welcome this introduction and also
provide, or approve, suitable training courses and both
theoretical and practical tests in order for their clients
to obtain their endorsement,” Mr Young said.
Watch out for caravan scam
Police are warning people to beware of a possible cross-Tasman
caravan selling scam.
New Zealand police say a caravan was advertised for sale well
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