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Well this week’s issue is dedicated to the new play by William Shakespeare, a Midsummer Night’s Dream. Throughout the entire magazine we will be giving you a summarized version of each of the play’s 4 subplots. As the title suggests, this one is on the Fairies that inhabit the forest outside of Athens. These fairies are the cause of much of the conflict for the humans, but have a story all their own.

The three main fairies are: The King, Oberon. The Queen, Titania. And last, but certainly not least Puck, their devoted servant. The main story for the Fairies is not as big considering most of their interactions are in the other three sub plots.

So to start off we come in on Oberon and Titania arguing with one another. The cause of this disturbance, an Indian changeling child Titani has. Titania was given the child by his mother who asked her if anything happened to her [the mother] Titania would take care of him and raise him as her own. Titania promised and sure enough the mother died. Well Oberon, being the spoiled, pampered little brat of a king that he is (Oh, sorry. I am not supposed to give my personal opinion on any of the characters. Well too late now.) wants the child. He is not very clear as to why he wants this child but the only logical reason he wants it is because Titania has him. Which is why I say he is spoiled. So basically they both storm off (Or fly off, whatever you want to call it) to their separate corners of the forest.

Now this is when Oberon over hears Demetrius and Helena arguing. He is distressed that they are arguing so and wishes to help them. He tells Puck to find the two people dressed in Athenian clothes and to wait for them to fall asleep. Then to put the drops on their eyes that will make them fall in love with the first person they see. So Puck goes out looking for these two people and finds Lysander and Demetrius. So he does as his king ordered and put the drops on their eyes while they slept. Well when they woke the first thing they saw was Helena. So they both fell in complete love with her. Helena was ecstatic that Demetrius finally returned her love but she was not so crazy about Lysander. Well when Lysander’s true love Hermia saw this things turned messy. Read the Lover’s article to see more.

While all this was going on Oberon was trying to figure out how to get back Titania for not handing over the changeling child to him. He then decided when he saw Bottom practicing his lines in the forest this was the opportune time to get her back. He told Puck to put the same drops that made the Athenians fall in love on Titania’s eyes when she fell asleep. He then told him to turn Bottom’s head into that of an ass and to make sure he was the first thing she saw when she woke up. To get more info read the mechanicals article.

Puck and Titiani

Fairy Fiasco in the Forest

By: Zachary Mayer