moved to fight for justice? Is it not by one’s decision, however
constraining the circumstances may be, that one is moved to
perform some good deed? And, is it not one’s genuine and
free acceptance of the free gift of salvation that, in Christ,
not only outweighs but eternally cancels every possible evil? If
all of this is so, is it not then reasonable to conclude that our
God-given human willingness—or our capacity to choose this
infinite good—marks the beginning of every good and the
agent by which this ultimate outweighing good comes about?
For, while we see absolute evil, God sees a redemption that ne-
gates it. While we see pain, God sees a healing that triumphs
over it. And while we see hopelessness and despair, God sees
hearts that might receive an eternal hope, but only if they are
willing. And that they might be willing, God gave them the
capacity to choose; and this, itself, be the greatest good of all.
Josiah Jordan '18 is a first year Master's student at the Yale Divinity
Glint, Liana Chaplain '21
18 Spring 2019