future, we will miss out on all the things God is teaching us in
the here and now.
For medical students, this may mean fighting the temptation
to move on to the next rotation. When I was on my surgery
rotation, all I wanted to do was progress to the next one. But
I fought that mentality fiercely, with Scripture and prayer. I
prayed simply, Lord, please teach me and use me where You’ve placed
me. Help me to love You and love others right here, right now. That
same week, I met an elderly woman who was in need of a
comforting presence. She had been in and out of the hospital
for various medical conditions and lived alone by herself. She
looked like she needed someone to sit with her and listen, and
I could feel God pushing me to be that kind of person for her.
I truly believe that He puts specific people in our lives accord-
ing to His timing and ways.
We must recognize
that in every season,
God is using that time
and place in which
He has put us for His
glory and our good.
For college students, here’s a
call to embrace the season you
are in, too. Maybe you desper-
ately want midterms or finals
to be over (and that’s not nec-
essarily a bad thing—maybe
you do have tons of papers
and exams, and you’re in need of respite and sleep). But what
if He places someone right next to you in that class or in the
library, and He wants you to share kindness and love with that
person? Perhaps, also, God is refining you and teaching you
through these times of trial and fire. And He will never leave
you nor forsake you. So in any season of life, in any moment,
He is with you always. There is respite and refuge for us right
there, even in the hardest of times.
So whether you’re rotating through a tough field or wanting
to switch clinics, whether it’s cramming for a final in the SciLi
or wanting to leave the cold New England weather for Cali-
fornia, let’s embrace where God has called us, in the here and
10 Spring 2019
God has you. He makes all things work together for our good.
That includes making the bitter into the sweet, making all
things beautiful in their time. Our mountain top moments,
our deepest lows, and everything in between—God can and
will make all things beautiful. This is the day the Lord has
made. This is the season of life God has placed you in right
Lord, I pray You give us fresh eyes to see what You’re doing in this season
of life right now. I pray You help us see Your goodness and mercies each
day, and to remember that each moment is a gift from You. Teach us how
to live with Godly contentment and gratitude, knowing that You hold all
the chapters of our lives in Your hands. In the beautiful name of Jesus
Christ, we pray, amen.
Anna Delamerced is a third year medical student at the Warren Alpert
Medical School.