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Trending Tips for SME’s
Conquering the small business hashtag: Twitter tips for SMEs
Start- up
Andela is carving a
On the surface, Twitter appears to be an unbeatable opportunity to
niche for itself in the
establish the brand identity of SMEs worldwide. With an average
of 100 million daily Twitter users and 500 million ‘tweets’ sent each educational sector
with its working
day globally, the potential to be noticed is enormous. Prior to the
vision of paying
social media phenomenon, reaching a large audience would have
developers to learn,
required an advertising budget of tens of thousands of pounds
through TV, radio and press ads. Thanks to Twitter and other
rather than the
networks, it is now possible to reach more prospects than you ever
other way around.
dreamed possible. Yet Twitter is still underused by SMEs, mainly
The startup is
because business owners have little idea how to use the social
looking to train
network to their advantage. Fortunately, learning the right tips and
100,000 budding
tricks is not a difficult process as we demonstrate below.
developers to world
1. Target audience engagement- Once you have a Twitter
class status, in the
account, the worst thing you can do is remain inactive.
space of 10 years.
2. Don’t promote…personalise!- develop a personality
3. Develop a winning strategy- Your content strategy is an
integral part of your online identity; the tweets you send will color
peoples’ perceptions of your company so take your time over this.
4. Embrace the power of the #Hashtag- Twitter users place
hashtags (#) in front of words in order to make it easier to find.
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