TIME AFTER TIME. One. | Page 52


Why 2016 has seen the rise of Jeremy Corbyn and his army of loyal Corbynistas.


Jeremy Corbyn isn’t "much of a personality" - he’s even said so himself. So what is it that has sent so many Corbynista’s into a frenzy over this scraggy- bearded, vegetarian, socialist?

First things first; Corbyn’s an outsider so he’s not afraid to speak his mind. He’s nothing like the likes of Tony Blair simply because he’s not interested in appeasing or charming The Daily Mail. He has a terrible relationship with the media if anything. However, he does praise social media (despite the hacking of his twitter) as it helped him win the Labour leadership vote and his Facebook page still reaches over 11 million people and has got so many young people interested in politics.

He’s also one of the few leaders in parliament to keep pressure on parliament about the refugee crisis and the NHS – especially after Davey Cameron’s ludicrous comments.

And lets not forget that we finally have some aggressive opposition to the Tories. Corbyn is probably one of the most far left Labour leaders that the party has seen in a long time – which may be why he’s so appealing to so many young people. However, most of Corbyn’s supporters are too young to understand that most of his ideas have already been tried in the past or are old enough to remember when they were last successful.