TIME AFTER TIME. One. | Page 20


Is Donald Trump normalising Political Scandal?


There are a number of things that have been kept out of politics, or have at least been covered up and cast to the dirty back streets of politics in history – You know, just the usual; dodgy business men, drug binges in shady motels...that sort of thing. Just so you weren’t increasing the chance of being attacked by your rivals.

I guess what I’m really trying to say is that politics has always seemed like a no go kind of places for the likes of Donald Trump. Candidates are expected to be squeaky clean, and there have been exceptions in the past, of course! But nobody seems to have as many skeletons in their closet as President Trump. There’s even an entire section dedicated to them on his lengthy Wikipedia page.

Let’s take a look at this on the flip side. Could this mean that, the rise in concern for the amount of ‘ordinary’ people in politics has led to a whole new breed of leader coming into power. We’ve had divorcees, socialists and now a corrupt business man.

Has Trump potentially opened a new door for a whole new wave of political candidates. Perhaps Trumps rise to power will inspire a whole new range of people to stand up and say “well if he can do it, then so can I”. Let’s be honest, he is probably the most underqualified man for the job and still managed to make it to office despite some pretty outrageous stories and claims.

Its true, Trump has struck fear into the core of so many Americans. But on the flip side, he may have (without even realising) inspired thousands to get into politics in opposition to him.