and SANS 1783-5-2 ). These standards require continuous sampling and destructive testing of graded timber in order to ensure that the measured grading properties keep being good predictors of strength and stiffness .
For every 1 000 pieces of lumber produced , one piece needs to be tested . Statistical quality control charts are used to track the performance of the grading system and as soon as the performance becomes ‘ out-of-control ’, the grading system needs to be adapted . These standards are a product of cooperation between many people and organisations . The standards were initially proposed as a result of research at the Department of Forest and Wood Science of Stellenbosch University . Mr Peter Muller was then asked by SawmillingSA to develop and write the draft standards . A committee consisting of various industry representatives , auditing bodies SATAS and SABS ( Messrs . Abe Stears and Francois Louw ) and chaired by Mr George Dowse , edited the draft standards , and guided it through the SABS process . The standards have been available for the past two years , and could be applied voluntarily , but will become compulsory from August 2021 .
The use of a continuous quality control system in structural grading put South African producers right at the forefront of producing safe and reliable structural timber . To the best of our knowledge there is only one other country where continuous sampling and testing of all structural timber is required , and that is New Zealand . Unlike the rugby world cup , we must share this title with our great foes !
For every 1 000 pieces of lumber produced , one piece needs to be tested .
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32 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2021 // www . timberiq . co . za