2 Wood for thought
28 Wood Wise
31 Talking Timber
32 Brandlistings
3 Local news
6 International news
International Project : Urban Forest Garden
To deck or not to deck – that is no longer the question !
8 Local Project : The Ridge CLT façade : Strong engineering and design rationale
14 International Project : Urban Forest Garden
18 To deck or not to deck – that is no longer the question !
22 Decking and outdoor structural timber
23 Sustainable architecture , designing for deconstruction , and mass timber
Sustainable architecture , designing for deconstruction , and mass timber
Is graded South African pine the best structural wood in the world ?
26 Arch Wood Protection meets the emerging demand for green rated products
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Published By Interact Media Defined ( Pty ) Ltd
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PUBLISHING UNIT LEAD / MANAGING EDITOR : Rory Macnamara | rory @ interactmedia . co . za
EDITOR : Tarren Bolton | tarren @ interactmedia . co . za
CONTRIBUTORS Ken Patrick and Brand Wessels
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CIRCULATION TIQ Jan - Jun 2021 ABC Print 1902 TIQ Jan - Jun 2021 ABC Digital 5303
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www . timberiq . co . za // OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2021 1