More recently , the availability of co-extruded decking boards has increased , with an emphasis on what is known as capped decking or encapsulation .
By the early 90 ’ s the technology had developed such that profiles could be extruded as a finished product and so the applications grew . Nowhere was this more successful than in outdoor decking and handrailing , which still represent the largest markets for this material .
Subsequent product development has been rapid , with manufacturers all over the globe now producing solid and hollow boards using single or multiple extrusion processes . The result is a plethora of choices in terms of structure , profile , size , colour , embossed finishes and jointing systems .
Basic products tend to be monochromatic ( they offer a solid colour and consistent material throughout the profile ). They also tend to be more basic in design , usually with straight ridges , or smooth surfaces . Contrary to expectations , these basic products are slightly porous , and as such they can stain if certain substances ( particularly oil based ) are left in contact with the surface .
More recently , the availability of co-extruded decking boards has increased , with an emphasis on what is known as capped decking or encapsulation . The idea is that a second layer of pure polymer is extruded over the decking board . Sometimes this is limited to the top surface but can cover the entire profile . The advantages of capped decking boards are multiple . Not only does this extra layer protect the boards from fading , moisture absorption and staining , it also provides extra wear resistance , and allows manufacturers to introduce life-like woodgrain patterns into the polymer layer , enhancing these with variegated colours .
Whereas the original products didn ’ t really try to look like wood , they just offered a harder-wearing lower-maintenance alternative , modern offerings feature extremely lifelike patterns , textures and colours .
There has been an increase in the range and styles of cladding products available , and this offers a host of options , and it is possible to completely clad a structure in maintenance-free WPC cladding , including window and door reveals , internal and external corners .
www . timberiq . co . za // OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2021 19