Timber iQ February / March 2021 | Page 4

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Following the

Covid-19 curve

As we have come to expect in the post-Covid-19 ‘ new

normal ’, there were more than a handful of surprises awaiting us in the new year . Although everybody expected Donald Trump to put up a fight in the US , not many would have predicted the outcome of his speech in Washington early in January .
As Trump supporters invaded the Capitol Building , the Covid-19 figures soared , not only in America , but across the world . South Africa felt the brunt of the pandemic as people returned home after the festive season and hospitals started filling up . Amidst the instability , markets followed the Covid-19 curve , and as the infection rate ominously moved north , the JSE continued recording new record levels . Even though vaccines are being rolled out around the world , the one predictable is that the uncertainty will continue throughout 2021 , and that stability will only return by the end of the year . start off well for sawmills , and that the momentum of the last two to three months is expected to prevail . “ This is good news and something to look forward to . In addition , 2021 will also see the Department of Trade Industry and Competition ’ s ( DTIC ’ s ) project to promote the increased use of timber in the South African built environment get off the ground . This is important as the departments of Human Settlements ( DHS ) and Public Works ( DPW ) are both parties to the initiative and this alone we are hoping will encourage the increased use of timber in public sector developments ,” says Southey . The outlook for 2021 , despite all its challenges , is optimistic . However , expect the unexpected in the ‘ new normal ’.
However , uncertainty is not always a bad thing and even under lockdown , the world has to continue moving . The timber industry is robust and resilient and will grind it out in 2021 . There is a substantial backlog of housing in South Africa , and timber is the perfect material to fill the gap . Timber can be used with other building materials like concrete and steel . In fact , as our local project in this issue proves , it creates a wonderful atmosphere using a range of different construction materials . The timber industry was on a roll towards the end of 2020 and all indications are that , despite a new spike in Covid-19 cases , this momentum will continue into 2021 .
Roy Southey , executive director at Sawmilling South Africa , says that from a business perspective , 2021 looks as though it will


Leon Louw Editor
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2 FEBRUARY / MARCH 2021 // www . timberiq . co . za