Timber iQ February / March 2021 | Page 28


Understanding accreditation and product certification : Part 2

By Abe Stears
In the previous issue we addressed the accreditation process . The articles that follow will cover the certification process from application to the continual surveillance of the manufacturer ’ s product quality .
specific scope of accreditation ( product specifications ) is listed . Further considerations such as levels of service , technical competency and track records play a role in choices being made by the manufacturer with costing inevitably being a significant factor .
Abe Stears .

In writing these we strive to keep the information generic as

per the relevant requirements . In some instances , we may use examples as per SATAS procedures to make certain aspects clear to the reader . If you have any specific questions you are welcome to contact us at stearsa @ satas . co . za .
In general , product certification on a global level follows very similar processes as the certification bodies offering these services all need to comply with the requirements of the international ISO / IEC 17065:2012 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products , processes and services document . All certification bodies operating in the world do , however , have subtle differences in the manner in which product certification is managed – with the South African market being no different . Typically , the product certification process in South Africa follows the process described below :
• Selection of Product Certification Body ( CB ) Once a manufacturer decides to become product certified to a specific National Standard ( SANS ) or International Standard ( such as EN or IEC ) a choice needs to be made as to which product certification body is preferred . The choices available to the manufacturer are generally determined by establishing the certification body ’ s SANAS accreditation status by visiting the SANAS website ( www . sanas . co . za ) where a very
• Application Process The CB ( Certification Body ) is required to process the applicant ’ s request for product certification in accordance with their documented procedures which should incorporate : A non-binding application form completed by the applicant clearly defining the product standard / s certification is required . Additional documentation may be requested by the CB such as tax clearance certificates , company registration , and VAT registration . On receipt of the application documentation the CB is required to first establish if the application for certification can be accepted or rejected based on their scope of accreditation or at least within their area of expertise , competency , and capability . The CB formulates and submits the necessary quotations for certification in accordance with documented costing models to ensure impartiality . The CB includes within the quotation documentation their certification conditions which the applicant is required to comply with . The certification conditions detail the necessary controls required for the applicant to achieve and maintain product certification , frequencies of surveillance audit , sampling and testing . It must be noted that these certification conditions formulated by the CB are standardised for each product specification and thereby require all applicants to comply with the identical requirements . The application for certification is then either accepted or rejected by the applicant . Negotiations between the applicant and CB pertaining to the certification conditions , including costing should not be considered to maintain impartiality and fairness to all . The assessment of conformity for product certification includes four main activities , each of which are to be the
26 FEBRUARY / MARCH 2021 // www . timberiq . co . za