including working with building regulators and other stakeholders . It ’ s a longer-term vision .
How do we change mindsets ? Covid-19 has shifted the concept of living space , work-from-home and efficient living . Around the world , millennials are already starting to embrace a more holistic lifestyle and making ‘ sustainable-friendly ’ choices . As this generation enters the property market , timber will , without a doubt , become a go-to building solution around the world . As we start becoming a more carbon neutral society and government starts offering tax benefits for carbon neutral buildings , more people will consider using timber as a sustainable building material .
Millennials make decisions of where they will stay during holidays based on whether it is a ‘ green building ’. The health benefits of a wood building will become more pronounced in the future , as will the cost-efficiencies of passive housing principles . CLT is an option at different levels of investor readiness – some may want a 100 % timber design , others may choose a hybrid building design and then there is the tiny house option which presents a lower cost , flexible entry point . AdaptAbuild will offer the investor a timber solution that best suits their needs and budget .
Shaun with his CLT teacher , Constantin Tisteain , in Rome . They are standing in the interior of one of the houses in which hay was used as insulation material in the roof and walls .
plantations and wood technology . For those who have an engineering mind with a passion for timber , CLT presents an exciting space to work in . Therefore upskilling , collaboration and cultivating a culture of home-grown CLT excellence is part of the vision and those that I work with must share this intent .
What sort of skills and attributes does one need to become an accomplished assembler and carpenter ? One needs to have a love and passion for timber and wood and a willingness to learn more . Because I grew up with timber , I have always understood timber and how to work with it . I don ’ t know if that is something you can nurture , but at least we can orientate young people and create interest .
Do you think we have the supply chain to support a growing timber industry in South Africa ? Demand for timber products are in the early adoption stage in South Africa , so the supply chain is not yet fully developed – this is where the opportunity lies as there is a growing interest . It is important to start generating the necessary demand to start building a large supply chain . One thing is for sure : there will be significant opportunities .
Do you think there is enough interest from the architects for example ? There is a lot of interest from architects . The annual wood conference that was hosted in Cape Town in February 2020 was attended by more than 1 000 architects , so I do think there is intent and curiosity and a realisation that timber is a sustainable solution for the future . The response is generally positive , but any change requires early adopters , a pull-factor and courage to be different . Alongside this , building policies , codes , regulations , financing and insurance models will all require some level of review and adaptation to enable this type of innovation . It is a journey that I am very excited to have started and which I am now fully committed to – in CLT , I have found that my purpose has met my passion for wood .
Five characteristics that will enable the transition for anyone are : curiosity , adaptability , systems-thinking , trusted partners and humility – it is after all , an organic product that is sourced from nature , and to deliver a seamless , efficient solution , one has to respect the role of each partner in the value chain , communicate clearly , work in an integrated way and uphold the credibility of the globalised , yet niche , CLT industry .
In South Africa we have all the attributes to build a very successful timber industry – we have the forests and plantations , and we have the depth , and more than enough human resources , however , we have lost the culture of timber to a large extent . We are a concrete society . The transition , or perhaps integration , is going to take some time , and that process in itself needs to be managed to secure trust and buy-in ,
A floor element lifted into place with a crane in preparation for it to be screwed on .
www . timberiq . co . za // DECEMBER 2020 / JANUARY 2021 31