Timber iQ December 2019 - January 2020 // Issue: 47 | Page 37
The PAMIR viewer software enables quick and easy communication for complex areas of the roof design.
PAMIR is the next generation of prefabrication software.
More dynamic, more powerful and more versatile than any
other software package available.
The general feedback received over recent months from
our software development and engineering departments,
has been extremely valuable in helping us to prioritise
software features and fine tune the training package that
has been put in place for the PAMIR roll-out which took
place in the second quarter of 2019. Recent months have
seen relentless testing of the software, simulating various
design and practical scenarios relevant to the South African
roofing industry.
The versatility of the software enables users to typically
learn and adapt to the software relatively quickly. There are
various methods of input and users can choose which input
method they prefer and then simply stick to it. Editing a
building or framing can be done either in 2D or 3D mode,
which is something that was previously unheard of.
Much of PAMIR’s success is down to the fact that it can be
easily configured to meet specific user’s requirements. If
you have a unique framing method for a particular roof
feature the software’s defaults can be quickly configured to
include methods in the framing library.
One of the most powerful tools is the ability to edit trusses.
Users are given various tools to add new timber members,
"With PAMIR’s powerful CAD
functions, users are able to
produce high quality output
including building elevations, live
cross sections, zoomed in 3D
details and truss profiles, quickly
and easily."
modify the orientation and end cuts of existing ones and
importantly the software is then able to run a thorough
analysis of the resulting structure to verify its integrity. The
user is also able to specify all of the factors which will affect
the structural performance of the structure, including roof
cover, site altitude, wind speed, and so on.
Implementing an Architect’s design specifications is now
easier and quicker than ever before, especially when it
comes to complex roof designs such as Polynesian, attic,
vaulted ceilings, multipart and top chord or rafter support
roof trusses.
// DECEMBER 2019 / JANUARY 2020