Timber iQ December 2019 - January 2020 // Issue: 47 | Page 23

INTERNATIONAL PROJECT Cranes had to be used to erect the bridge of the library. movie theatre and the multipurpose hall can be used as part of the open lobby space or separated off to cater for specific events. Walking through the ground floor offers a quick glimpse at the services available in the building. The sculptural wooden surface arches over the ground floor areas as a dramatic bridge-like structure. This innovative structural solution has enabled the creation of a column-free public space to maximise the accessibility and visibility of the programme. The book heaven on the top floor, is a vast open landscape topped with an undulating cloud-like white ceiling. Here the best features of the modernist library meets the possibilities provided by up-to-date technologies. A calm, serene atmosphere invites visitors to read, learn, think, and to enjoy themselves. From this level visitors can enjoy an unobstructed 360-degree panoramic view of the city centre. The middle floor, the attic, consists of flexible irregularly shaped rooms, nooks and corners inhabiting the spaces between the trusses of the bridge structure. The enclosed spaces are designed to accommodate both noisy and quiet activities. The stepped seating in the open central area of this floor is the result of the form of the cantilevering, twisting west façade. By opening directly to the surrounding cityscape and by dissolving the border between indoor and outdoor areas, the building engages directly with the Töölönlahti area. The In addition to wood, steel was used to construct the building’s bridge structure. www.timberiq.co.za // DECEMBER 2019 / JANUARY 2020 21