Timber iQ December 2019 - January 2020 // Issue: 47 | Page 15
ITC-SA reverses
dormancy resolution
The Institute for Timber Construction
South Africa (ITC-SA) reverses its
resolution of dormancy following
overwhelming feedback from various
quarters of the structural timber
industry, the full spectrum of its
membership as well as government
departments, on the critical role that
the Institute has played – and should
continue to play – in South Africa’s
engineered timber construction
n view of this clear indication of support for the
continuance of the ITC-SA, along with numerous
proposals for continuing the Institute’s functioning,
an extra-ordinary Board meeting was held on 16
October 2019 in order to collate this feedback and
investigate a possible turnaround strategy.
After extensive deliberation, the current board resolves to
continue until a workable and enforceable model, which will
ensure the practical and effective regulation and promotion
of the engineered timber construction industry, is
"Members are strongly encouraged
to use this opportunity to have
their say and actively influence the
future of the ITC-SA and the wider
By the Institute for Timber Construction
South Africa
The ITC-SA has reversed its resolution of dormancy.
developed. This model is to be presented to a Special
General Meeting of its members, where a new board will
be elected, which is to accurately reflect the
membership and incorporate key role players in the
engineered timber construction industry.
As such, the ITC-SA’s resolution for dormancy is
reversed, subject to the introduction of a sustainable
funding model and an avenue for introducing
compulsory membership, as well as certain restrictions
relating to the position of chairperson on the board.
Discussions with key industry stakeholders are
underway in order to pave the way for a practical,
effective and sustainable way forward to ensure the
continuation of the ITC-SA’s critical role in safeguarding
the engineered timber construction industry in
South Africa.
Regional branch meetings have been scheduled for
Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal in
order to gather further insights and suggestions from the
Institute’s membership. Members are strongly
encouraged to use this opportunity to have their say and
actively influence the future of the ITC-SA and the
wider industry.
The Institute undertakes to keep all stakeholders
informed about all developments and welcomes any
comments, suggestions or feedback, which may be
forwarded to [email protected].
// DECEMBER 2019 / JANUARY 2020