Timber iQ December 2018 - January 2019 // Issue: 41 | Page 32
The award winning Cheré Botha School in the Western Cape makes use of a unique building design element in the form of exposed
timber roof trusses.
The rise and rise of
timber roofs
The use of structural timber as an integral part of roof design and
construction is garnering greater attention – we find out why.
By Candace Sofianos King
egarded by the timber industry as a sound and well
performing resource in construction, the use of wood
as a structural material adds various benefits to roof
design. Its availability, sustainable traits, and workable
nature turns timber into an efficient and attractive raw
material of choice.
Unlike steel and concrete, timber is a renewable resource
in abundance in South Africa, says JD Botha of Biligom
International – the innovative business behind the patented
process of using moist eucalyptus to produce structural
timber. He highlights that far more timber and roofing
technologies have been adopted in the market in
comparison to 10 years ago – a positive reality that will help
reshape the roofing sector.
“The South African construction industry is still set on its
old brick and mortar ways, but more timber frame housing is
being built thanks to better workmanship, costs, timber
30 DECEMBER 2018 / JANUARY 2019 //
preservatives and design technologies – so yes, timber is
revolutionising the roofing and construction sector as a
whole,” says Botha.
He notes that the timber roofing industry is quite
competitive which lends itself to being sufficient where one
can expect very competitive prices. “Roof truss designers
must think out of the box when designing roofs to ensure
their roofing quotes are more competitive. They should also
make use of alternative technologies for this reason,”
believes Botha.
The local roofing industry is world class when it comes to
industry standards, rational designs and inspections, says
Botha. He adds that Biligom, like many structural timber
See more on page 32