Timber iQ August / September 2021 | Page 5

Don ’ t ignore fire regulations says ITC-SA


Any failure of a truss plant or roof inspector to insist on the separation of roofs as prescribed in the fire regulations must be reported to the ITC-SA . This is according to the structural timber expert Prof Walter Burdzik .

Prof Burdzik is also a Director of the Institute for Timber Construction ( ITC-SA ). " The same principle applies to low-cost housing . Just because a roof is over a low-cost house does not justify deviating from the National Building Regulations SANS 10400 and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977 ," says Prof Burdzik .
It is important to note that the ITC-SA does not make the regulations governing timber construction in South Africa . Erik Söderlund , general manager of the Institute explains that the objective of the organisation is to promote and protect the industry , all stakeholders , and the general public .
“ The National Building Regulations are supported by the South African National Standards ( SANS ) that are developed by bodies like the South African Bureau of Standards ( SABS ). SANS1040 includes building fire safety standards ,” says Söderlund .
SANS10400 was extensively researched and drawn up by industry experts . It considers all aspects of the composition and properties of building materials to ensure that all materials used in the same application meet the same safety and performance standards .
" It is the responsibility of everyone involved in designing , making , erecting , and inspecting timber roof trusses to comply with the regulations , explains Söderlund . " However , the responsibility does not stop there . The Engineering Council of South Africa ( ECSA ) may intervene if an engineer signs off a non-compliant roof structure .
According to the fire regulations relating to timber roof trusses :
• Each independent dwelling unit situated on either side of a fire wall must have its own bracing system within its roof structure , regardless of the fire wall projects above the roof covering or not .
• The fire regulations do not state the size of a permissible gap between timber members bearing on either side of the fire wall . However , trusses passing through a fire wall must be split into separate trusses .
• No part of the roof assembly , made of wood or any other combustible material shall pass through the separating wall .
• The Institute urges everyone involved in the timber roof truss industry to act responsibly and comply with the National Building Regulations SANS 10400 and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977 .

Celebrating Sappi ’ s role in restoring ecosystems


GenerationRestoration is the theme for this year ’ s World Environment Day which also marks the launch of the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration .
According to Sappi it ’ s a theme that has particular resonance for them , given the company ’ s strong belief that responsible forestry plays a key role in building a bio-based future as we restore , conserve and / or maintain biodiversity and natural forest areas .
The key here is ‘ responsible ’. While the deforestation of endangered tropical forests is a significant source of greenhouse gas emission and thereby cause for concern , Sappi states that they can confidently say that their sourcing practices cause zero deforestation .
Forests and forestry play an important role in mitigating climate change and reducing deforestation and forest degradation lowers greenhouse emissions . In addition , sustainable forest management can maintain or enhance forest carbon stocks and sinks , while wood products can store carbon over the long term and can substitute for emissions-intensive materials . All of these are important , because to maintain healthy ecosystems – estimated to hold the key to one third of the climate solution – we need to stay below a 2 ° C global temperature rise .
Woodfibre , Sappi ’ s primary product , is a natural resource that depends on ecosystem services such as healthy soils , clean water , pollination , and a stable climate . “ Against this backdrop , working to increase our positive contribution to maintaining and restoring healthy ecosystems is not only the right thing to do , it makes sound business sense . Accordingly , our sustainable forestry practices promote clean air and water and protect biodiversity , among many other critical benefits ,” states Sappi .
www . timberiq . co . za // AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2021 3