Timber iQ August - September 2020 // Issue: 50 August - September 2020 | Page 27

INTERNATIONAL PROJECT Figure 1: A schematic of the main divisions of the building design. Figure 2: The designs of the various construction elements of the building including concrete work, timber framing, CLT slabs and façade. The building’s volume has a sharp triangular shape to the exterior, articulated also through vertical glass fins for sun shading. In contrast, the atrium has organically shaped galleries of timber forming a spectacular open stairway where they come together. TIMBER AND SUSTAINABILITY From early on the client was clear in their wish to use timber for the main structure, mostly due to its positive effects on the users; the experiential and health-bringing qualities of the future workspaces. This was further backed by timber’s innate sustainable aspects providing ground for a BREEAM-NOR Excellent certification (administered by the Norwegian Green Building Council). The building’s lifecycle is prolonged by its ability to house flexible spaces made by multiplying and subdividing the 5.4m structural grid. The timber structure is reinforced by visible timber joints with beech dowels and a continuous edge beam in laminated beech veneer on each floor along the façade. On the first storey, columns and beams are also made in laminated beech due to the cantilever over the pavement. The remainder of the structure is made from Glued laminated timber and Cross-Laminated Timber in spruce. Curved in two directions, the loadbearing stair stringers support a spectacular open stairway, cantilevering five meters into the atrium. The use of different kinds of timber used in very different structural elements creates variations within a similar aesthetical language. It is all woven together into a holistic organic experience in timber. Figure 3: The species and engineered timber types used in the building, quantity of materials used and CO 2 impact. LIST OF PROFESSIONALS Client Tenant ARK RIB Tree Advisor Façade Contractors Interior Landscape Finansparken Bjergsted AS Sparebank 1 S R- Bank Helen & Hard, SAAHA Degree of Freedom Hermann Blümer Rubicon Veidekke Lark Asplan Viak BUILDING DETAILS AND TIMELINE The project was started in 2014 and was brought to completion in November 2019. The building has 7 storeys above ground – approximately 13 200m 2 , and three floors below ground – approximately 9 200m 2 . The interior finish of the 7th floor of the building – a beautiful view. March 2014 January 2015 August 2015 May 2016 November 2016 May 2018 January 2019 July 2019 November 2019 Competition phase Sketch/design phase Initial phase Detail phase Building phase started Concrete construction phase completed Wooden structure construction phase completed Faces/ Façade installation completed Project completed www.timberiq.co.za // AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020 25