European timber demand remains steady
Timber production in Central and West African countries continues to be adversely affected by Covid-19 control measures and restrictions . These have been particularly strict in Gabon where all business operations are closed from 06:00 to 18:00 .
In a joint press release , the Ministers of the Interior and of Defence provided details concerning the issuance of laissezpasser ( pass for travel outside Greater Libreville ) and special permits for movement in Greater Libreville during curfew hours .
According to reports , demand for sawn tropical hardwoods are low in the main European markets and this , it is hoped , will spur demand as the European winter ends . Demand from buyers for the Chinese market has not yet picked up after the holidays but orders for Azobe and the Redwood species are steady , and there has been a revival in demand for sawn Okoume which has been welcomed by exporters . There has been recent enthusiasm among producers as there is firming demand for Aamazakoue . This is one of the common names of Guibourtia ehie . Other names for this timber are Amazique , Amazoue , Ovangkol , Hyedua , Black Hyedua , Mozambique and Shedua . Producers report stable demand for Okumu and Andoung in Middle Easters markets .
Analysts are fearful that the delay in resolving the Kevazingo export issue in Gabon may cause prices for this timber to decline . There are still large stocks of Kevazingo in the country but there is no indications that export licenses will be issued . Factories in Gabon ’ s Special Zone are said to be running low on log raw materials . This is the result of strict control of truck movements . Each truck on public roads must be authorised and carry a permit .
8 APRIL / MAY 2021 // www . timberiq . co . za