Houtlander’s Collectable Range
Pops Up in Cape Town
With support from the American
Hardwood Export Council,
Houtlander’s Interdependence II,
Hlabisa, Preservation III and Chaste
benches is on display at the BKhz
Cape Town pop-up exhibition, ‘Blue Is
the Warmest Colour’, which took place
from February 6 to 28 at 41 Sir Lowry
Road, Woodstock, Cape Town.
The purpose of Houtlander’s design interventions is three-fold:
their collectable range demonstrates a style of design that is
aesthetically pleasing and environmentally sustainable, while
serving as social commentary.
With specific regards to sustainability, Houtlander only makes use
of timber that is honourably-sourced, and they do this through
their long-standing relationship with American hardwoods. Their
availability and characteristics vary according to growing regions,
but every American hardwood species is growing at a far greater
rate than it is harvested. Few other countries can boast this level of
success in the sustainability of its hardwood forests. The American
hardwood forests support a vibrant, healthy and increasing stand
of timber, as well as a large and diverse wildlife population.
Houtlander’s aesthetic is minimalist and inspired by a
Scandinavian take on spindle furniture. The result is furniture with
a sculptural function. With their works being almost free of screws
and nails, their practice is testament to the artistry, accuracy, care
and thorough engineering that goes into every piece.
Houtlander is solution-based. Their team is dedicated to using
every product they create as a means of research and an
opportunity to develop new techniques with which to tackle their
design aspirations. Touching on their design principle, Wilson
says at the core of Houtlander’s practice is work that “pushes the
limits of what our machines, our hands and minds can do as well
as exploring the properties of our chosen materials – most
prominently American red and white oak.”
ince 2017 Stephen Wilson and Phillip Hollander have
dedicated their expertise to elevating the discipline of
carpentry through Houtlander. Since its inception,
Houtlander has won a number of awards, while pieces from
their collectable range have been exhibited in a number of
places including the Rossana Orlandi Gallery in Milan,
Southern Guild gallery in Cape Town, the Grand Palais in
Paris, University of Pretoria’s Javett Art Centre, FNB Art
Joburg and as a part of the Downtown Editions show during
Dubai Design Week 2019.
Not only do Houtlander create masterful pieces in timber design
and craftsmanship, but their work also has a minimal environmental
Roderick Wiles, American Hardwood Export Council Regional
Director adds: “Not only do Houtlander create masterful pieces in
timber design and craftsmanship, but their work also has a
minimal environmental footprint. As an example, we have
calculated that all the American white oak used to make the
Preservation Bench III would be replaced through natural
regeneration in the US hardwood forest in less than 1 second.
Additionally, while in use, it is estimated that the bench will keep
733kg of CO 2 equivalent out of the atmosphere.”
The Preservation, Hlabisa and Chaste benches — that are part of
Blue Is the Warmest Colour — also fulfil their three-tier purpose
by telling stories, providing public seating and serving as a
tangible manifestation of genuine sustainability.
The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) is the leading
international trade association for the US hardwood industry,
representing the committed exporters among US hardwood
companies and all the major US hardwood production trade
associations. AHEC runs a worldwide programme to promote
American hardwoods in over 50 export markets, concentrating
on providing architects, specifiers, designers and end-users
with technical information on the range of species, products
and sources of supply.
// APRIL / MAY 2020