The team worked hard to make the project a success despite encountering many challenges.
The Lanzerac Hotel is a heritage site.
had to be reduced smaller sizes (200mm x 300mm) and to
achieve this, more than three sections of lumber was used.
All components were joined together by mortice and
tenon as well as SPAX screws supplied by Faitsch Products.
Special Festool tools supplied by Vermont Sales were used
on the various joints. Rooftek Trusses also took
responsibility for erecting and installing the structure.
Because the building more than a century old, some of
the walls were not in a good shape. As such, specialist
brackets were made to help with the loads involved. There
is no doubt that the project was challenging, however the
team managed to work well together to have it complete in
about five weeks.
Commenting on the project, Kalahari Bruwer, the roofing
contractor says, “As some have seen the final result, I
would like to thank all involved for giving Rooftek Trusses
the opportunity to be part of a project of this magnitude
and at such a special place as the Lanzerac Hotel.”
• 70m plus of spruce
• ± 10m 3 of SAP
• Weight per truss: 650kg plus
• ± 1.3m 3 of timber per truss
• Completion time was roughly five weeks
22 APRIL / MAY 2019 //
Continued from page 20
The roof of the Lanzerac Hotel after construction following a
devastating fire.
Project manager Con van der Colf
Engineer Mark Hutcheson
Contractor Ben Pretorius / Stabil8id
Roofing contractor Rooftek Trusses Kalahari Bruwer