Malaysian meranti
– a versatile hardwood
Malaysia offers a myriad selection of hardwoods which have been
used in various structural and interior applications.
By Malaysian Timber Council | Photos by Malaysia Timber Council
Most popular internationally traded timber species are dark red meranti and red meranti.
his Southeast Asian country processes its hardwoods
into a range of export grade sawn timber / lumber as
well as laminated scantlings, mouldings, builders'
joinery and carpentry products, veneers, plywood and
other panel products and fine furniture.
Among the internationally traded timber species are
those of Malaysian meranti (Shorea spp), the most popular
of which are dark red meranti and red meranti. The major
species of dark red meranti that are widely available
include meranti bukit, meranti nemesu and meranti seraya.
With more than 50% of the country under forest cover,
Malaysia is blessed with a rich green heritage and a huge
variety of tropical hardwoods. Many are well known
commercial tropical timbers which are sustainably
managed, while others are protected under strict forest
legislation. Malaysian Meranti is a wood of worldwide
commercial importance and is established as one of the
leading species among imported tropical timbers.
Meranti is a very versatile and durable timber for indoor
and outdoor applications. It is a hardwood timber
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commonly used for decorative purposes such as doors,
window frames, sidings, decking, mouldings, furniture,
panelling and joinery. It can be painted and stained to
match the colour and design of your home.
Malaysia has been very active and successful in
implementing the principles and standards of sustainable
forest management and in certifying its forests and timber
products. Sustainably produced tropical hardwoods like
the Malaysian meranti is the preferred material not only
for technical and aesthetic reasons, but for ecological
reasons too.
The Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) has
been developed specifically to ensure that Malaysia can to
supply products that are sourced from sustainably
managed forests. The MTCS became the first tropical
timber certification scheme in the Asia Pacific region to be
endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest
Certification (PEFC).
See more on page 58