Health & Wellness
Fit on
How to Take Care of your
magine life without your voice.
Without a voice, interacting and relating to people becomes a challenge
– it's difficult to express what you want and how you feel. It’s hard to
empathize with other people if you can’t hear their voices. Certain tasks
become difficult to accomplish when you can’t speak. Many professions
depend on a healthy voice. Life is never the same without it.
What is a voice?
Your voice is the sound made by the vibration of the vocal folds (also
known as vocal cords) bands of muscle tissue in the larynx (commonly
called the voice box). Your voice is the foundation for human communication and
relations, whether it’s conveying a message or expressing emotion. Voice is also a
strong indicator of the age and sex of the speaker.
How is voice created?
The human voice is generated in the following manner:
1. The lungs produce enough air pressure to vibrate your vocal
2. The vibrating vocal folds create audible pulses that create sound
3. The muscles of the larynx control pitch and tone while the tongue,
palate, cheeks and lips, articulate and filter the sound produced
4. Just like a fingerprint, your voice is unique, and it helps define your
personality. It’s even an indicator of your current mood and state of
How do you know if there’s something wrong with your voice?
You may have a problem if you are experiencing any of the following:
• Your throat feels raw, painful, or strained
• You often clear your throat
• Your voice is hoarse or raspy
• You can’t talk or having difficulty talking
What causes voice problems?
• Misuse and improper use of your voice
• Upper respiratory infections
• Acid reflux or heartburn
• Cancer of the larynx
• Growths on the vocal folds (vocal nodules or laryngeal
• Neurological diseases (spasmodic dysphonia or vocal fold paralysis)
• Psychological trauma
How do you take care of your voice?
• Drink six to eight glasses a day
• If possible, use a humidifier in your home to minimize dryness of
the throat
• If you have voice problems, consult your doctor for the right medication
• Get enough rest. Fatigue may affect your voice.
• Wash your hands regularly to prevent colds and flu
• Exercise regularly
Disclaimer: Fit On Board gives only information that will help you understand ailments and its symptoms. Suggest
preventive measures but not as cures. It is still best suited for you to seek professional advice and consult your doctors…