TIM eMagazine Volume 3 Issue 10 | Page 4

Publisher’s Note SAVE OUR SEAS A S PROSPECTS OF TRADE continues to grow in the Asia-Pacific rim, fueled by robust economies in China, among ASEAN countries and the Indian subconti- nent--plus the peace initiatives between the two Koreas that could usher in a new era of stability and prosperity for the region as a whole--all these develop- ments create that perfect frame of mind for us in the industry to make shipping safer, smoother, and above all, environment-friendly.   AS WE LOOK for brighter prospects in this new year, let us also get our acts together to continue to keep our oceans--as well as our sector--clean and green.  THE NEED TO FURTHER SAVE OUR SEAS   We are consistently beset with news about environmen- tal degradation triggered by climate change. BUT AS THE ecological imbalance furthers the image of our planet as a fragile world, let us also take time to think that we, as humans, also are to blame and have the duties and responsibilities to clear up all the mess.  OUR OCEANS ARE the pathways of both local and global trade and transport, and all stakeholders involved--shipbuilders, shipping companies, government authorities and regulatory bodies, seafarers and environmental groups, among others, all must partner together to help maintain that balance to keep our waters clean. As cleaner waters and environment-friendly, new-tech vessels both guarantee smoother, safer sailing, let us also consider the fact that over three-fourths of the oxygen that we breathe come from our oceans! PHILIP O. ORTALEZA 4