TIM eMagazine Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 59

TIM eMagazine Vol . 3 Issue 1

HMM to order eco-friendly mega containerships

Credits : hmm21 . com
- 12 of above 20,000 TEU & 8 of 14,000 TEU mega containerships will be ordered - Embarks on the ‘ Capacity of 1 Million TEU ’ strategy .


MM embarks on ordering new eco-friendly mega containerships . After Korean government ’ s ‘ 5 Year Plan for Rebuilding Korean Shipping ’ announcement , HMM - as Korea ’ s national flagship carrier-is now getting into its stride to gain global competitiveness through ordering eco-friendly & highly efficient mega containerships .
First , HMM plans to order of total twenty megavessels ; twelve above 20,000 TEU and eight 14,000 TEU vessels which are considered to deploy in the
Asia-North Europe and US East coast trades respectively .
Considering the factors including the recent increase in new shipbuilding price and dock availability , HMM will start on selection of shipyards by sending out its Request for Proposal ( RFP ) to shipbuilding companies on April 10 .
The International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) is moving forward with a marked reduction in the maximum sulfur content bunker fuel oil from 3.5 % to 0.5 % on January 1 , 2020 . To comply with the new environmental regulations , HMM will opt for scrubber installation or LNG bunkering for all the newbuilding vessels after thorough discussions with the finally elected shipbuilder .
If the shipbuilding process proceeds smoothly followed by the selection of the shipbuilder , signing of a Letter of Intent ( LOI ) and finalizing its contract , all the new vessels will be sequentially delivered in the right time to prepare for the 2020 environmental regulations .
Through this new shipbuilding , HMM will be able to secure stronger fleet competitiveness with the benefit of economies of scale . Furthermore , it will help HMM to form a stable basis for making profits in the intensely competitive market .
Along with the fleet expansion , HMM is going to set a new mid-long term plan to enhance its global competitiveness to promote business normalization & shareholder value , and to create added value between shipping and logistics for mutual growth . To do so , HMM will boost its organizational capability , develop IT technology adopted in shipping , and expand global networks .
HMM has been making its concerted efforts in all sectors , since its restructuring plan was implemented in the second half of 2013 . HMM has focused on securing financial liquidity through KRW 4 billion restructuring plan including sales of controlling stake in affiliates and other property .
HMM official said that “ Through the acquisition of the most technologically advanced mega containerships , we can strengthen cost competitiveness and react rapidly to the international environmental regulations .”
And that “ HMM will do its best to become a global top carrier to meet expectations of related organizations and shareholders .” hmm21 . com