TIM eMagazine Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 48


The cardiologist-lecturers were Drs . Lavapie and Don Robespierre Reyes , who were assisted by Drs . Junia , Lapitan , Jane Ramiro , Ma . LuzJohanna Soria and emergency technicians from Palompon , Leyte , who guided the trainees on proper chest compressions – 100-120 , 2.5-inch deep chest pumps for 2-4 minutes or until help arrives . Providing rescue breaths , or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation , of 5 full breaths after each set was also taught for drowning victims .
“ Beating the 2-4 second window period is crucial in restoring heart rhythm and prevent irreversible brain damage ,” said Junia . “ Your eager response would mend the fatal gap between witnessing the arrest and hospital transport .”
“ Seventy percent of cardiac arrests and heart attacks occur outside of the hospital and mostly in the streets or at home ,” revealed Lavapie . “ Hands-only CPR increases chances of survival by 2.2 times . Coupled with an automated external defibrillator ( AED ) chances of survival could be as much as three times .”
The PHA stressed that public-access AEDs among communities and demonstrated is crucial . Meanwhile , the PHA is pushing for the
passage of the AED Law .
Cardiac arrest happens when “ the electrical system of the heart malfunctions , heats up and suddenly stops . That ’ s when CPR assisted with AED shocks should be done to bring back the electricity and resume heart beat ,” explained Lavapie .
Cardiovascular diseases remain to be the top cause of death in the Philippines and across the world . Sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone of any age and anywhere .
“ Countries like Japan , Singapore and most American and European states are CPR-ready ,” shared Reyes . “ Public-access AEDs are rampant and placed strategically among streets , malls and other public places and their citizens know how to use it . It is high time the country is put on the international CPR-Ready map and be at par with our neighboring countries reaping the benefits of having a CPR-skilled lay .”
Equipping Filipinos 10 to 65 years old with CPR skills in early and effective chest compressions and empowering them to propagate it , essentially makes them a major partner in the CPR-Ready PH 2021
Participants in undergoing the life-saving training in “ hands-only CPR for the cardiac arrest victim and drowning victim ”
Campaign .
“ We are very happy to bring CPR to every Filipino home ,” noted Sison . “ We hope that everybody becomes prepared in emergencies for the sake of your families , communities and also for the safety of local and foreign tourists who keep the tourism industry in your cities alive .”
Junia reminded the participants that “ prevention is always better than cure . As much as we need to learn to prepare in medical emergency situations with CPR , we must also avoid developing risks of heart disease through healthy living ”.
The PHA lecturers infused their talk with healthy lifestyle pointers with the PHA ’ s 52100 lifestyle campaign recommending 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables ; 2 hours maximum screen time of exposure to gadgets and not more than 2 grams of saltinfused meals a day ; 1 hour of physical activity everyday ; 0 sugary beverages ; and , 0 smoking . Saving Bohol Next to Boracay and Palawan , Bohol quickly rose to the top tiers of the tourism sector throughout the ages as the prime vacation spot choice for both local and foreign tourists . Mainly banking on ecotourism , the province is profuse with forest parks and nature reserves as well as natural water havens .
Its capital city of Tagbilaran is world-famous for being the home of the endemic and smallest known primate , the Tarsier , and its majestic rows of earth mound formations popularly branded as the Chocolate Hills and medieval churches .
Conversely , Panglao Island is among Central Visayas ’ best summer destinations , chosen for its white sand and clear blue