Publisher’s Note
With web development comes
et's face it, the most efficient and fastest means of communicat-
ing nowadays has been via the internet in its array of options:
e-mail, website and social media, among others. Whatever these
may be, communicating online is best enjoyed with the conve-
nience of those handy gadgets, in the comforts of anywhere
we may all be.
Even the solitary lives of our dedicated seafarers have vastly
improved and made much livelier by communicating with their
loved ones via, say, Instagram, enjoying the hottest sci-fi flicks during their
spare time through Netflix or keeping updated with the latest news and
circulars from maritime organizations and governing bodies dedicated to
their profession as well as welfare.
In as much as we laud and appreciate the efforts of government agencies
MARINA for keeping our seafarers posted with the latest SCTW circulars and
regulations regarding their profession, we still believe that there can be so
much to be done for concerned agencies and organizations to provide
the most updated news and inputs by prioritizing IT development as
part of their service to both their stakeholders and the public.
The more they develop their IT, the more improvements must come with it