TIM eMagazine Issue 3 | Page 40

TIM eMagazine Vol.1 Issue 3 NAKABUANG CAVE is 5.5 kilometers from San Vicente Centro in Sabtang. MT. MATAREM is an extinct volcano 495 meters at its summit. It is eight kilometers from Basco. WHITE BEACH at Vatang, Hapnit and Mavatuy Point all in Mahatao. RADAR TUKON was a United States weather station on a hilltop. It offers a magnificent 360-degree view of Batan Island, the South China Sea, Mt. Iraya, Basco proper, boulder lined cliffs and the Pacific Ocean. At present, it houses the last weather station in the north. OLD LORAN STATION used to house a US coastguard detachment for almost two decades and is about 25 kilometers from Basco. RUINS OF SONGSONG is a ghost barangay which is a cluster of roofless shells of old stone houses abandoned after a tidal wave that hit the island of Batan in the 50s. It has a long stretch of beach. The ruins are 23 kilometers from Basco. SAN JOSE CHURCH in Ivana was built in 1814. It has a crenellated fortress-like campanile. The church is fronting the Ivana Seaport and is 14 kilometers from Basco. KANYUYAN BEACH & PORT at Baluarte Bay in Basco is the port of call of the cargo ships bringing goods from Manila. Santo Domingo Church, also known as Basco Cathedral SAN CARLOS BORROMEO CHURCH and a convent at Mahatao are six kilometers from Basco. It was completed in 1789 and still retains its centuries-old features. Santo Domingo Church, also known as Basco Cathedral Indeed, Batanes may be a very quiet place so they say yet it speaks loudly of what nature can give us, lust of beautiful flowers in the fields and magnificent landscapes that abounds all around. 40