encourage Jewish disciples to learn and practice as led ( see the book , To Pray as a Jew by Rabbi Hayim Donin ). From this we find that there is principle and priority of the Shema which was / is transmitted by Messianic Jews to the Disciples among all Nations ( 1 Cor . 8:6 ). And it is wisdom of the ages to find ways to put it into daily practice . As someone of the Nations , I have decided to apply the principle taught to me by the Jewish people , by saying or singing twice a day a New Covenant expression of the Shema that includes Messiah fully in the identity of the LORD , the one God of Israel :
For us there is one God , the Father , from whom are all things , and we exist for Him . And one LORD , Yeshua the Messiah , through whom are all things , and we exist for Him , and I also say or sing the command to love the LORD and love neighbor . ( Deut . 6:4-5 ; Leviticus 19:18 ; Mk . 12:28-31 ).
Why Plan To Say or Sing the Shema Twice Daily ?
For me , I want to daily remember who redeemed me , that I exist for Him , and what is most important to Him and to me - loving relationship with God and neighbor . There is a basic principle of life , without repetition , we tend to forget . I tend to trust this ancient wisdom of twice daily that has been passed down for millennia by the Jewish people . I have experienced its fruits over the days , weeks , months , and years . It has become a means of the Holy Spirit ’ s river of grace to flow into my human spirit and heart so that the meaning of the Shema now lives in me , and continues to invite me to turn towards Him to walk in closeness with God before His joyful and loving Face .
So , if you ’ re not in this liturgical habit , give it a try , and build this Spirit formed habit . Do this over 3 , 6 , 9 , or even 12 months , and then evaluate the fruit of the practice . In addition , I want to give one more suggestion , pray the Messiah ’ s Sanctification Prayer three times daily .
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