Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 30

The 10 Commandments , the two greatest commandments , Adonai ’ s election of Israel , and Yeshua as the Lamb of God must be a divine revelation for us lest our love grows cold . ( Matthew 24:9-14 ) As I mentioned at the beginning of this series , I believe it is critical in these last days for our ‘ moral compass ’ to be working properly and we support Israel due to Adonai ’ s election rather than anything Israel does correctly . I pray that this series has helped you to understand how supporting Israel is not an abstract issue that is ‘ theologically correct .’ It is a core theological and moral issue that will define who rises and who falls in the last days and likely in the Kingdom to come . ( Genesis 12:1-3 , Zechariah 2:7-9 , Zechariah 12 , Daniel 12:1-4 , Matthew 25:31-46 , Romans 11 , 1 John 2:1-11 , 1 John 3:11-18 )
As a final exhortation - Get involved , and make it personal . Your actions before the rest of the world are not separate from the daily activities of one ’ s life — they must come from the same moral foundation . Let the reality of God choosing Israel be a ‘ fact of life ’ for you such that you do not waver when the wrath of the enemy turns on you for the things that he hates most . Let us be a people who honor the whole word of Adonai , the 10 Commandments , the two greatest commandments , His chosen people Israel , and our King Yeshua !
May your name be written in the Book of Life !
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