Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 18

In war , the most important thing is to seek His face . The tragedy of October 7th reminds us that we are in a battle ; the enemy is arrayed against us . Fear is a major obstacle that we only overcome by seeking His face . As we gaze into the wonder of His beauty , His sovereignty , and His assurance of shalom , we see past the threat of the enemy to the protection of our Lord . But whether we recognize it or not , we have an enemy arrayed against us , seeking to devour us , body and soul .
Like David , we are called to look past the prowess and evil intentions of our foe . Psalm 27 is an essential invitation to adjust our priorities . What is the urgent requirement for those facing battle ?
" One thing have I asked of the LORD , that will I seek after : that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life , to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple … You have said , " Seek my face ." My heart says to you , " Your face , LORD , do I seek ." ( Psalm 27:4 , 8 )
Even beyond confident courage , David declared , " I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy ; I will sing and make melody to the LORD ." ( Psa . 27:6 ESV ) David refused to let the prospect of battle rob Him of joy . We don ' t usually associate joy with the prospect of being devoured by an enemy . To sing and make melody in our hearts is counter-intuitive on such occasions . Difficulty tends to elicit worry and even lament . David refused to allow the enemy ' s threats to rob him of joy ; worry , anxiety , and anger cannot occupy the same psychic space as worship and joy . Perhaps Nehemiah ' s famous rejoinder , " The joy of the Lord is your strength " ( Neh . 8:10 ) was inspired by David ' s joyful declaration .
These are dark days . Many false witnesses , breathing out violence are encamped against all that is godly , righteous , and true . The pull of despair and doubt is beckoning to drag us into retreat . Psalm 27 strengthens us in line with Paul ' s admonition to put on God ' s armor that we "... may be able to withstand in the evil day , and having done all , to stand firm ." ( Eph . 6:13 ESV ) Raising the shield of faith is believing that despite how difficult things are – or may yet become , we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living . In these days of battle , hear the word of the Lord : " Wait for the LORD ; be strong , and let your heart take courage ; wait for the LORD !" ( Psalm 27:14 )
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