Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 14

Character transformation then is the answer !
As we feel remorse and shame for our sin , we run back to our God who never berates nor belittles us . Instead , He only desires to transform us through His Son ! It is for this reason that introspection and reflection is so vital in our lives , especially at this time of the year – for through it , we are granted a fresh and new start , for a new and joyous coming year . The power of the message of the Cross is that our loving , Heavenly Father does not and will not leave us where He found us , and as we make teshuvah and return to Him with perfect repentance , He will make all things in us .
The good news for us does not end there however , in that our Yamim Nora ’ im ( Days of Awe ) holds the power to rid us of toxic shame , wounding and debilitating regret and draws us deeper into our relationship with Yeshua !
It is in this that I urge you today to seek your Adonai this day with your whole heart , and do not shrink away in fear . He heals every hurt , He binds up every wound and will forgives every sin . He is your loving and forever faithful Father . This year , may you be found free , full of joy and may your name be inscribed into the Book of Life unto eternity in Yeshua ’ s holy Name !
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