Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tamuz | July 2024 | Page 18

We are all aware of the growing darkness in our world : Israel has been in an existential war for more than six months ; the increasing collapse and implosion of Christian denominations ; the insanity of governments and elected representatives alike ; a growing obsession with scandal ; etcetera , etcetera . The enemy of the kingdom of God is at work , pulling down and destroying – his last-ditch attempt to frustrate and overthrow the will of God . Sensing the nearness of Yeshua ' s return , the enemy is thrown into a frenzy of activity , thrashing wildly as he tries to have mankind deny itself .
In the darkness , the light of Messiah , the light of His kingdom , shines ever more brightly . A single candle flame – in absolute darkness – can be seen for miles : a twinkling , blinking flicker of light piercing the gloom , giving hope - despite the grumbling of those who are determined not to see or acknowledge it - that there is someone there , that darkness is not all there is . Messiah ' s light in us , glowing gently , will not go out and will not be silenced or extinguished by the enemy . increasingly against the Gospel , the standards of the kingdom and God ' s people as the visible expression of the Gospel in this generation .
Already we see the symptoms of exile , characterized of course by those refugees or exiles who have been geographically or politically displaced from their homelands , around us who are not geographically but increasingly socially displaced from our homes . Changes in language and vocabulary , in dress and customs , in morals and mores – these all challenge daily communication and isolate Yeshua ' s disciples , of whatever age or nationality , from the towns and people where they were born and brought up , even if they are still living on the same street .
During the last twelve months or more , we have heard the Spirit speaking about the need to prepare for a time of exile , a time of difficulty and trauma as society turns
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